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Powerhouse series, 1998
Assemblage (photographs, frame, metal scraps, etc) (image from slide)

Powerhouse series, 1998
Assemblage (rearview mirror, metal scraps, chain, fire alarm, photographs, and painted elements on wooden boards)

Assemblage (hubcap, frame and other found items on wooden panel)

Assemblage (deconstructed hoe, metal sheet and wooden pieces on wooden panel)

untitled, ca. 1997
Assemblage (garden hoe, spray paint can lids, etc. on wooden piece)

Assemblage (metal scraps, wood, and television components on wooden panel)

Assemblage ( hubcap, tin canister lids, and other found items on wooden panel)

Assemblage (metal scraps, wood, and television components on wooden panel)

Assemblage (shoes, broom/brush and painted wooden pieces)

Powerhouse series, 1998
Assemblage (hub cap, photograph, and paint on wooden piece) Private Collection.

Powerhouse series, 1998
Assemblage (photograph, metal scraps, book pages, slinky, coke cans, electrical parts, and paint on wooden pieces)

Powerhouse series, 1998
Assemblage (photograph, metal scraps, book pages, slinky, coke cans, electrical parts, and paint on wooden pieces)

Powerhouse series, 1998
Assemblage (frame, tire, photograph, stereo console, and paint on wooden pieces).

Atomic Moma, 1997
Acrylic/Alkyd, bike tire, and keyboard on wooden panel, 48" x 48"

Powerhouse series, 1998
Assemblage (photograph, metal scraps, and paint on wooden piece)

Powerhouse series, 1998
Assemblage (tire, photograph, coffe tin lids, and paint on wooden pieces)

Powerhouse series, 1998
Assemblage (photograph, hinges, fishing weight, lace/sheer fabric, and paint on wooden pieces)

Third World Television, 1997.
21" x 16" x 12". Painted television, rope, wood

untitled, ca. 1997
Assemblage (hole punched colored paper, peanuts, bubblegum, motherboard, blue plexiglass, and halved baseball on painted wooden panel).

Powerhouse series, 1998
Assemblage (photograph, metal scrap, and paint on wooden board)

Postal Meat, 1997
Acrylic & alkyd collage, 24" x 48"

Gadgetry, September 1996
Acrylic, collage, and assemblage on masonite. 24" x 32"

Figaro's Ascendancy, 1997
Mixed assemblage, 51" x 58"

Assemblage (baby doll leg, hinges, glove?)

Assemblage (wooden sticks, paintbrushes)
*As some work is part of private collections or cannot be located, some images are of lower quality, extracted from old photographs.*
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